The most important thing in SEO it´s the strategy

If you have a web site, blog or online store, SEO can help your business grow and meet the business objectives.Search engine optimization is important because: The majority of search engines users are more likely to click on one of the top 5 suggestions in the results pages

The plug-in or SEO plug-ins, for instance, WordPress is a tool to optimize the time of the SEO consultants and it is a good way to have the first contact by the employer or entrepreneur with SEO, insert title, description and keywords on each page gives you the right to say you are doing SEO. Let’s be serious, then everyone would be a SEO expert by now. In SEO, over 100 main factors are working and there are things that plug-ins is not allowed, many things do allow, with best seo company in bangkok.

Moreover, SEO, what really matters is not the application on the website. it is important, but nuanced, “SEO without strategy is like playing the lottery, any programmers with medium to high level programming skill, SEO can do it, but the STRATEGY. The word SEO strategy sounds weird to you?

In order to properly select the keyword strategy, you must consider:

The demand of each word
The tendency of each word
The use of that word by the competition
The conversion of the word

I will not go in detail in each point, because it deserves 1-2 post only this subject, but what I want to convey is that SEO or natural positioning is more complex than many businessmen  thought.the most important in seo is choose seo specialists bangkok. Normally, when you hire a SEO company, they do the initial study of keywords and it is the programmer himself who will put the keywords that you have said. The company must provide value to the customer, for this reason, the person who designs the strategy must be a marketing person accustomed to working with online research tools.

Now, do you understand why you should not sell without doing “SEO”?
Based SEO strategy + usable website = attracting customers by internet with a low-cost!
SEO without strategy, without control + no usable website = online failure!


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