Top 5 Best Backend Frameworks

There is a bunch of alternatives accessible when picking which backend framework you need to work with. Albeit each backend framework accompanies its own arrangement of upsides and downsides, there are likewise a couple of different components you'll need to think about before settling on a ultimate conclusion. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at both tried and true as well as newer frameworks to help you decide which is the best backend framework for you.

Backend vs Frontend

Before getting started, let’s first dive into what the differences are between backend vs frontend. In case you're new to the universe of Web Development Thailand, the contrast among backend and frontend advancement probably won't be so clear. However, knowing the distinctions between both is important. 

The following is a quick primer on what a frontend developer is responsible for versus a backend developer:
Frontend Development: A frontend web developer Bangkok  is an enormous part, in charge of what a client sees.The 3 main tools a frontend developer works with are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Their primary focus should be to create a great user experience and ensure that the design and layout or the website or web app is cohesive throughout.

Backend Development: A backend web developers bangkok on the other hand works on the nuts and bolts of what goes on behind the scenes. Backend developers work with a wide range of libraries, APIs, web services, etc. They are responsible for the implementation of database systems, ensuring proper communication between various web services, generating backend functionality, and more.

List of Best Backend Frameworks

In this rundown of the best backend system, we would not like to stick to 1 single programming language. Rather, we needed to grandstand the best backend systems from different dialects.Now, of course, the list below doesn’t provide a backend framework suggestion for every language out there, however it does offer some great suggestions whether you’re starting out and not sure which one to go with, or just want to try something new.
Laravel is a PHP based backend framework which prides itself on its beautiful syntax, ability to accommodate large teams and the functionality of its modern toolkit. Laravel pursues the MVC design and was worked to encourage broad backend improvement. Laravel also offers its own database migration system and has a robust ecosystem.

  •          The Simple and fast routing engine 
  •          Comes with its own CLI 
  •          Powerful template system (Blade) 
  •          Good documentation 
2. Django

Django is a high-level Python framework that is built with the idea of “batteries included”. Meaning almost everything a developer would want is included out of the box. Therefore there is less a need for third-party plugins and everything in Django works together. Django however, is built for larger applications. Therefore, if you’re planning on building something small, Django may not be the best option as it can make a small project bloated with unnecessary features.

A few examples of large websites built on Django include Disqus, Mozilla, National Geographic, Pinterest.

  •        Highly customizable
  •        No need to reinvent the wheel encourages rapid development
  •        Very scalable
  •         Extensive community and documentation

3.Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a server-side web framework written in the Ruby programming language. On the off chance that offers a comparative plan and reasoning to Django anyway offers a substantially more commonplace setting to Ruby software engineers. Ruby encourages the use of design patterns such as MVC (model view controller) and DRY (don’t repeat yourself).

A few examples of large websites built on Django include: Shopify, SoundCloud, Basecamp, GitHub.

  •        Large library of plugins available
  •        Ruby offers very clear syntax
  •        Massive community 
  •       Small projects are easy to develop and manage
4. Flask
Flask is another Python-based backend framework. However, unlike Django, it is lightweight and more suited for the development of smaller projects in web agency bangkok. Flask offers support for things like for Jinja2 templating, secure cookies, unit testing, and RESTful request dispatching. It also provides extensive documentation and is a great solution for Python programmers who don’t need all the bells and whistles that Django ships with.

  •        Very flexible
  •        More lightweight than Django, incredible for littler ventures
  •     Great documentation
  •        Offers the ability to built prototypes quickly
5. Phoenix

Phoenix is a backend framework which works with Erlang’s Virtual Machine and is written in Elixir. Given the fact that Elixir is a functional language, it may not be as popular as other object-oriented languages however it was designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. Phoenix uses a combination of tried and true technologies with the fresh ideas of functional programming.


  •       Very fast
  •        Fault-tolerant
  •        Built-in database options
  •        Well designed
  •        Great documentation and active community




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