What is Static Web Design?

If there is a business then there is a website these days and not only for business website is for to represent your skills or to explore your abilities worldwide. But the question is raised that which kind of website would you like to make whether Static, Dynamic or Responsive. So, first of all in this blog let’s discuss about Static Website and What is Static Web Design? MVM Infotech is web design company Thailand, which is providing best services in static web design to shape your business, skills and information in best way.
A static website contains Web pages with fixed content. Each page is code in HTML and displays the same information to every visitor. Static sites are the most basic type of website and are the easiest to create. Unlike dynamic websites, they do not require any Web programming or database design. A static site built by simply creating a few HTML pages and publishing them to a Web server.
Since static Web pages contain fixed code, the content of each page does not change unless it is manually update by the webmaster. This works well for small websites, but it can make large sites with hundreds or thousands of pages difficult to maintain. Therefore, larger websites typically use dynamic pages, which can be update by simply modifying a database record. Static sites that contain many pages are often designed using templates in web design company Bangkok. This makes it possible to update several pages at once, and helps provide a consistent layout throughout the site.

Custom Development of Static Website
MVM Infotech’s Custom Development in Static Website is of Custom Template type: In this, template will be design according to the customer’s requirement and we work until customer get fully satisfied. Our suggestions remain there with customer’s need to make template more attractive and good but customer satisfaction is our first priority.
There are various other features of Static Website, which you can consider as advantages too:
  1. Quick to develop
  1. Cheap to develop.
  1. Cheap to host. Web hosting charges are lesser for static sites.
  1. Static websites can be update by someone with knowledge of website development. Not any technical skills and high web development is required.
  1. Static web pages are suitable for the contents that never or rarely need to be update in web design Bangkok.
  1. Easy to update information whether it is text or images.
  1. You can handle the things at your side without requiring the big staff to manage all the stuffs of your site.
After knowing the features and advantages of static website, you clearly know about What is Static Web Design? Moreover, how it will be useful for you. You can Contact Us to develop your static website but if still you have any confusion or hesitation before using our services then you can see that what our other customers said about us.


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